Conundrum Charitable Trust

Scottish Charity number SC049785


Conundrum Charitable Trust was established under a Deed of Trust in 2019. It has wide, grant-giving charitable purposes.

Application criteria

Applications are invited from:-

  • Community Interest Companies with an asset lock
  • Constituted voluntary organisations with no charity number
  • Constituted sports groups
  • Community benefit societies
  • Organisations with tax exempt status but no registered charity number
  • Registered charities, CIOs and SCIOs and individuals

The Trustees do not ordinarily support organisational core costs or general overheads and favour stand-alone projects where their funding has a significant impact on the overall costs.

The Application:

Applications should be made in writing and on no more than two sides of A4. The application must include the following information:-

  • An explanation of the purpose for which the grant is sought; and
  • A clear budget/breakdown on how the grant would be spent.

Please note that all applications must include contact details (a telephone number and email address) for a representative of the applicant within the body of the application. It is likely that a member of the Grant Award Committee will be in touch to discuss the application further. Failure to do so or to respond to a communication of this nature may prejudice an application.

Applications that do not meet the application criteria will not be considered further. For applicants that pass the first stage, one of the Trustees are likely to want to arrange to speak with representatives from the applicant charity before the next grant meeting.

Geographical spread

The Trustees favour causes in Scotland.

Size of award made

The Trustees may make awards of up to £5,000 per annum per applicant.

Successful applicants may re-apply for further funding twice (three separate applications in total). To be successful for further funding, the Trustees will be looking to see development of the charity or an application relating to a new project. Repeat applications for projects which have been funded previously will not be considered further unless the Trustees are provided with evidence of growth.


The Trustees will not support the following:-

  • Individuals
  • Bodies seeking to distribute grants/funds to individuals or other organisations
  • Charitable bodies that receive income in excess of £250,000 per annum.
  • Local, regional or government institutions and organisations with core statutory responsibilities (e.g. NHS, local authorities, parish councils and town councils)
  • Organisations that appear to have excessive unrestricted or free reserves and no policy to reflect the rationale behind this
  • Political parties or party-political activities
  • Schools (except for special schools), parent teacher associations, nurseries, preschools, playgroups and universities/colleges
  • Building renovations/general refurbishment
  • Feasibility studies
  • Foreign travel
  • General marketing appeals or sponsorship
  • Medical research, treatment and equipment
  • Projects that promote religion
  • Training or educational workshops that do not result in a tangible outcome for participants

Applications should be submitted as follows:-

By email:

By Post: Conundrum Charitable Trust, Turcan Connell, Princes Exchange, 1 Earl Grey Street, Edinburgh EH3 9EE marked for the attention of Miss Alix Storrie.

There is no need to provide a copy of your annual accounts, unless they are not available online.

Deadlines for applications

Applications should reach us by email or in hard copy not later than 1st March and 1st September of each year. The Trustees hold two grant meetings per year, in May and November, and seek to pay grants within two weeks of the grant meeting.

Please note that applications are not acknowledged on receipt. Successful applicants will be contacted after the Trustees have held their grant meeting.

Projects the Trustees have supported in the past



Birchvale Theatre

New stage lighting.

Carer for Carers (SC013450)

Residential trip.

CCLASP (SC047235)

Furniture for roof terrace.

Edinburgh City Mission (SC012385)

Soul Food project.

Edinburgh Interfaith Association (SC396465)

Faithful Friends Befriending Project.

Edinburgh Young Carers (SC026270)

One-to-one support service.

Erskine (SC006609)

Cookery classes.

Fife Young Carers (SC047519)

Computer equipment for carers.

Glasgow Children’s Hospital Charity (SC007856)

Funding for Hip Spica adapted car seats.

Helm Training (SC008580)Creating post-Covid job opportunities for excluded and disadvantaged young people.
Light Up Learning (SC045701)Funding for learning enhancement trips project.
Multiple System Atrophy Trust (SC044535)Raising awareness and assisting those diagnosed with Multiple System Atrophy transitioning from work and welfare claims in Scotland.
MYPAS (SC029543) Community Counselling Service.
Pet Fostering Service Scotland (SC015672)Equipment costs.
PLUS (SC003945)Play and Chat project in Falkirk to support parents and carers.

Push the Boat Out Festival (SC049785)

Festival costs.

Roald Dahl’s Marvellous Children’s Charity (1137409)

Marvellous Family Support Service.

Rowan Alba (SC036775)

Providing residents with basic items for hospital stays.

Rosebery Centre (SC021092)Healthy lunches project.
SSAFA, the Armed Forces Charity (SC038056)Supermarket vouchers for Armed Forces Veterans.

Smart Works Edinburgh (SC044520)

Support of central funding costs.

Sunshine Wishes (SC046697)Assisting with the purchase of a minibus.
SupportED (SC045002)Befriending project.

The Brain Tumour Charity (SC045081)

Wellbeing packs.

The Butterfly Trust (SC033174)

Training of volunteers.

West Lothian 50+ Network (SC024257)Zumba class costs.