
Mike Kane

Partner, Head of Business Law

I provide owner level advice to entrepreneurs and family businesses. I have extensive experience of business succession issues and exits for business owners. I frequently advise on complex transactions including mergers, acquisitions, joint ventures and investments. I also provide family business consultancy advice on a wide range of issues including governance, family charters and business break ups.

Our clients value sharp negotiating skills, the fact that our team is unflappable and that we are always available and willing to listen. I also like to avoid taking a confrontational approach, working with ‘the other side’ in any case wherever possible to see if we can reach an agreement.

It is great to have clients who have enjoyed an overwhelmingly good experience and know that we have been there for them every step of the way during difficult negotiations and high stakes situations.

Being a trusted advisor means really understanding each client and sharing our significant experience in ways that are tailored to each client and easy to understand. That takes a ‘can do’ approach and the ability to guide each client towards the right solution based on our experience.